While a true God of War PC port may or may not ever happen, PC gamers can still check it out in the meantime through PlayStation Now. It's possible that some will check these games out on PC and then feel the desire to buy a PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5 to play the sequels. This seems to be the strategy with some of Sony's other PC ports, like how it ported Horizon: Zero Dawn to PC, yet is keeping the sequel a PlayStation exclusive for now. Secondly, God of War has a sequel on the way, and bringing the 2018 game to PC through a proper port could potentially increase the potential audience for the follow-up. Some emulator designers which claims that t. But in my honest opinion, no mate you cannot run it on a PC. Since Sony spent the money to acquire Nixxes, it clearly intends on porting over more of its PlayStation games to PC, and God of War's success makes it one of the most obvious candidates to get a PC port next. Answer: First of all, PSX emulator is designed to play PS1 GAMES So, OBVIOUSLY NO And secondly, many will claim that yes you can play by using some emulators designed to play ps3 games etc. For one, Sony recently acquired Nixxes, a company that specializes in making PC ports of games. It would make sense for Sony to bring God of War to PC for a number of reasons. I mean, even the best PS3 emulator, RPCS3, cannot run its most demanding games on PC yet. Rumors have persisted that a God of War PC port may very well be coming at some point down the line, but Sony has yet to make an official announcement. While these emulators can run some games, they will NOT allow you to play God of War or Uncharted 4 on PC. While PlayStation Now's July 2021 lineup makes God of War technically playable on PC, others would no doubt rather see a proper PC port of the critically-acclaimed game. RELATED: God of War Player Has Cool Theory About Valkyries, Asgard, and Valhalla
PC gamers that want to play God of War on their platform of choice will need to download the PlayStation Now app, sign up for the service, and get a controller handy as the game does not support mouse and keyboard controls. More specifically, PC players will want to get a DualShock 4 controller when playing God of War on PC to get the full experience. For those who aren't aware, PlayStation Now is a Game Pass-style subscription service that gets users instant access to hundreds of games. God of War is now technically playable on PC thanks to its debut on the PlayStation Now subscription service.
To date, God of War has been exclusively playable on PS4 and PS5, but now PC gamers can see what all the fuss is about. First released in 2018, God of War earned rave reviews from critics and has been embraced by fans as one of the absolute best entries in the long-running franchise.